Classic Specialist Translations
Our core strength are specialist translations in the following areas:
- Industry / Technology
- Medicine / Chemistry / Cosmetics
- Economics / Finance / Law
- Software / IT
- Marketing
- Textiles / Fashion
You can find further information on the special features of the sectors under the menu item Industries. Read in the menu item How we work how we handle our translations and what quality requirements we guarantee.
Thanks to our successful collaboration with over 500 professional translators, we provide our clients with classic specialist translations into over 100 languages. With classic, we refer to translations done by humans rather than machine translation (MT).
Throughout their career, translators specialise in one or more subject areas. In-depth, detailed knowledge of the subject matter is required to create a target document that reflects the content of the source text accurately and appropriately. We work exclusively with native speakers of the target language to ensure that the target text is not just factually correct in terms of content, but also fine-tuned to the linguistic nuances of the target language and country.
In order to uphold our pledge of quality to our clients, our translators are carefully selected and the quality of their work is regularly assessed. Every specialist translation is revised by our project managers.
Find out more about our translators and our quality assurance.
Cerebro AG works with about 500 translators around the world, so we are able to handle projects of any size.
On average, a translator can process about 2,000 to 3,000 words per day depending on the necessary research. By creating translator teams, this daily volume of work can be multiplied. Based on our experience, teams of 6-8 translators can work together simultaneously on a project without any issues. The texts are proofread by one reviewer, known as the unifier, who also makes sure that the terminology remains consistent.
If further work steps such as desktop publishing are planned within your company, we can arrange partial deliveries so your workflow is not delayed.
In order to save time, we also offer the option of working with MTPE (Machine Translation Post-Editing). You can find more information on this here.
Please feel free to call us to discuss project planning, working processes and volume-based discounts.
We offer several options for urgent projects depending on the volume, format, language combination and type of text:
- We deliver short texts on the same day, providing that our regular translators are available. Rush fee upon consultation.
- We can complete translations of texts up to 2,000 words into European languages within our timezone in one working day. Even if you only confirm an order in the afternoon, we can still deliver the next working day providing that our core translators in other continents are available. This of course applies to Asian languages, but also to English, Portuguese and Spanish, since our colleagues in the Americas can take care of these translations. Rush fee upon consultation.
- For rush projects with more than 2,000 words, one option we offer is to split the translation between several translators. This may result in additional costs for unifying terminology. On the other hand, we also offer MTPE (Machine Translation Post-Editing) with revision from our regular translators for the target languages English, French, Spanish and German. You can find more information on MTPE here.
Perhaps you are not entirely sure if your current translations are of a good quality, they were not written by native speakers or you would like to add an additional level of quality control to the workflow of your projects.
Here you can find detailed information on correction, proofreading, revision and final proofreading:
Performed by our project managers.
The following are checked and corrected:
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Terminology inconsistencies
- Numbers and codes
- Hyphenation
- Punctuation
Performed by professional translators, native speakers of the target language.
As well as the services described under correction, the texts are also improved in terms of style. In contrast to revision, ONLY the target text is checked with proofreading.
The following are checked and corrected:
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Terminology inconsistencies
- Numbers and codes
- Hyphenation
- Punctuation
- Syntax
- Linguistic style and choice of vocabulary
Performed by professional translators specialising in the respective field, native speakers of the target language.
Current translations are corrected in terms of content and style with revision. The target text is compared sentence by sentence with the source text.
The following are checked and corrected:
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Terminology inconsistencies
- Numbers and codes
- Hyphenation
- Punctuation
- Syntax
- Linguistic style and choice of vocabulary
- Accurate content of the translation
Final Proofreading / Editing:
Performed by professional translators, native speakers of the target language with experience in final proofreading.
Final proofreading is the last stage before a text is published. The texts should already have been checked in terms of content and style. This is a final check solely in the target language.
The following are checked and corrected:
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Numbers and codes
- Hyphenation
- Punctuation
- Syntax
- Incorrect line breaks
- Plausibility
- Consistency of the index and headings in the text.
Localisation is an essential but often neglected aspect of translations. This technical term means the adaptation of a text to a country’s local requirements – especially in terms of linguistic and cultural nuances of the target market.
Even native speakers who have been living abroad for many years sometimes lose touch with their own language because they no longer use it on a daily basis to the same extent. This is why Cerebro AG mostly works with translators who live and work in the country of the target language.